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Kinzua Railroad Bridge

the 8th wonder of the world



Kinzua Railroad Bridge – Once considered the 8th Wonder of the World

Kinzua Railroad a former railroad trestle that was once the tallest and longest railroad bridge in the world.


Deep in mountains near the wild Allegheny Forest lies the ruins of Kinzua Railroad Bridge.  This bridge was once considered by many – the 8th wonder of the world.  This bridge was constructed in 1881 in only 90 days.  This bridge stood for over a century.


This  former railroad trestle was once the tallest and longest railroad bridge in the world. It spans a gorge of the Allegheny River near Kinzua, Pennsylvania and is part of Interstate 80 which runs along its length. The viaduct was built between 1881-1885 by the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad Company as an extension of their mainline from Erie to Corry, Pennsylvania. The single-track structure is 1,018 feet (309 m) long at its highest point above ground level with an overall length including foundations measured at 773 feet (236 m).

In 1959 the commonwealth purchased the bridge and surrounding land for a state park and the train  was used for sightseeing excursions for those brave enough to board a train and the travel across the deep canyon



In 2003 a routine during a routine inspection, engineers noticed severe decay and the bridge was closed for repairs.  But just as repairs commenced

the bridge was brutally side-swiped by a F1 tornado with 100 mile winds that tore down most of the bridge trestles.

After being damaged by a tornado in 2003, it was rebuilt as the Kinzua Sky Walk, a walkway for viewing the remains of the bridge and the valley below.

After this tragedy the commonwealth envisioned yet another use for the old bridge – a skywalk.  Construction began and a beautiful skywalk was created.  Visitors from near and far come to walk on the remaining walkway that was once an engineering marvel.  Now they overlook the remains and perhaps contemplate the engineering mistakes that contributed to its downfall.


The Skywalk spans across 1,000 feet from end to end and is made out of glass panels that you can see through from top-to-bottom. It connects with a parking lot where you can leave your car or walk up if your feeling adventurous (the walk will take about 10 minutes).

Kinzua Bridge State Park is 2,052-acre Pennsylvania state park in McKean County, United States.

Kinzua Bridge State Park is a Pennsylvania state park in McKean County, Pennsylvania. The park is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Kinzua rivers.


The park is also known for its trails, picnicking opportunities, and views of the Allegheny Reservoir.

The park surrounding this historic landmark offers  trails for hiking and biking, as well as horseback riding on designated trails. There are picnic pavilions and tables located throughout the park. The park’s 3-mile trail meanders through forests and over ravines with sweeping views of the Allegheny Reservoir.


Kinzua State Park offers many activities from hiking to picnicking


Kinzua State Park is a great place to visit for the history enthusiasts and the adventurers alike.  Here you can explore, hike or ride on the bike paths or check out the visitor center, where you can learn more of the history of this architectural marvel.   There’s something for everyone.  There are many picnic areas throughout the park with tables, grills and restrooms nearby. The park also offers canoe rentals for those who want to explore all that Kinzua has to offer by water.

Click below to see a video of our visit at Kinzua State Park.


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